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WIZnet W5100 Modules and Apple ][ Prototyping Boards

( CLICK Here WIZnet W5100 Modules and a Small Apple ][ Protyping Board.... Full Size for BIGGER PICTURE )


I bought a couple WIZnet W5100 Modules on 14-FEB-2012 and never got around to making them into anything.. I figured they would make excellent Ethernet Interfaces for old 8 Bit Systems.

( CLICK Here Some Large and Small Apple ][ Protyping Boards.... Full Size for BIGGER PICTURE )


I bought some Prototype Boards to develop some Hardware on, like the WizNET Modules.. Dave Schmenk did just that!!!

( CLICK Here Some Large Apple ][ Protyping Boards.... Full Size for BIGGER PICTURE )


( CLICK Here Some Small Apple ][ Protyping Boards.... Full Size for BIGGER PICTURE )
